Here are some websites that you may find helpful and entertaining!
Mostly Math:
Khan Academy. On-line tutorials to watch and work through…from addition to algebra and beyond! Also, tutorials on science and many other subjects.
A+ Math. Games, flashcards, and more.
Learning to Read:
Picture Match. Match the picture to its beginning sound. Kindergarten to grade two reading level.
Construct-a-word. Word-building site. Kindergarten to grade two reading level.
Word Family Sort. Sort words by their families. Kindergarten to grade two reading level.
Puzzle Me Words. Build puzzles into words. Kindergarten to grade one reading level
Berenstain Bears. On-line games and reading based on the Berenstain Bear classics! Kindergarten to grade two reading level.
Literactive. On-line pre-reading activities, stories and games. Free, but must open an account to access materials. Parental involvement required. Kindergarten to grade two reading level.
RAZ-Kids. Check with your classroom teacher for access to this on-line site with hundreds of books. Kindergarten to grade six reading level.
What’s in the Bag? Use this interactive site to figure out what is in the bag. Non-readers must have adult help for this game! Kindergarten to grade two.
Drama Map. Trying to make sense of the story or novel you are reading? Use this site to help you sort out settings, characters and plot. Interactive. Grades six to twelve.
Timeline. Organize events…useful for English and socials assignments. Interactive. Grades three to twelve.
Comic Creator. Use this site to produce comics…show your knowledge using this art form. Interactive. Kindergarten to grade twelve.
Cube Creator. Use this site to help you think about and plan writing projects. Interactive. Grades three to twelve.
Compare/Contrast Guide. Use this site help compare and contrast ideas. Great to help with essay planning. Interactive. Grade three to grade twelve.
Essay Map. Use this site to help you think about and plan your next essay. Interactive. Grades three to twelve.
Literary Elements Map. Understand all the literary elements in your story: character, conflict, resolution, and setting. Use this site to sort it all out. Grades six to twelve.
Persuasion Map. Use this to help you organize a persuasive essay. Grades three to twelve.
Newspapers, Brochures and Flyers. Use this site to create specialized writing projects. Grades three to twelve.
Resume Builder. Build your resume here.
Notetaker. This site helps you build notes from what you are reading.
Spelling List. Type in your spelling list…and the computer will help you practice!
Flip-a-Chip. Word building—builds your spelling and vocabulary! Grades six to eight.
Web Tools. Check out these cool on-line tools for class presentations. Grades seven to twelve.​
Faces of Learning. Check out this link about how people learn. Take a learner profile.